Chris Keefer of Independent Motorcars and Nick Owen of BMW of El Cajon is proud to be starting a car care clinic to introduce women of all ages to get a better understanding of their vehicles and to learn how to perform general maintenance on their BMWs. This will be a very hands-on clinic in order that everyone get some experience in maintenance tasks.
This clinic will be on-going throughout the year. Our first clinic will deal with a simple oil change and an overview of a complete vehicle inspection during the process. Our goal is to use a participant's car for this evening and any service performed will be done so at no charge. So, if you're in need of an oil change, this would be a great night to come out, learn more about your car, and get a little service for free!
Food will be provided and will be determined after a head count is reached. We understand that this is short notice, but please RSVP to by 6/22/16 in order that we can properly prepare. Future clinic dates will have a longer lead time.
Hope to see you there!