BMW Family Scavenger Hunt: 10 teams, 5 locations, and Lots of Fun!!!
/by Catalina Uhler
Well, you’ve probably heard of the Amazing Race, and maybe even participated in a scavenger hunt or two, but did you know about the Ultimate BMW Family Adventure? Only the truly fun-spirited and adventurous made it to our first BMW Family Scavenger Hunt on March 25. Participants of all ages came out and enjoyed exploring North County San Diego.
We had a leisurely 9am start at HQ Autosport German Auto Service. Since this was not a race, there was no need to start at the crack of dawn! Introductions were made and car stories were shared between new friends, while we enjoyed some hot coffee and donuts, donated by the owner, Paul Quattrocchi. Prizes were then raffled off to some lucky participants. Thank you to Megan Quezada, General Manager of BMW of Escondido, and Amir Malaeb, owner of the Pit Stop Diner in Oceanside for your amazing prize donations! Participants were then given their clues and sent on their way with directions to post pictures using the hashtags #ultimatefamilyadventure, #bmwscavengerhunt, #bmwfamilyfun, and #bmwfamilycars.
First, we made our way along Harmony Grove Road with scattered sunlight filtering through the canopy of trees. This beautiful winding road led to our first location, the Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve. After taking a picture at the Interpretive Center, we made our way over to San Marcos. Clues led us to the 1,646-feet elevation mountain top at Double Peak Park. Participants searched for the telescope at the summit where they could enjoy beautiful 360 degree panoramic vistas. Our next stop was the Antique Gas & Steam Museum in Vista. Here there was a little something for everyone willing to look beyond the rusty old farming machines. Exhibits included steam engine trains and cars, antique clocks, short track railroad displays, blacksmith demonstrations, and much more.
At this point in the adventure, some participants, young and older, might have started to get a little hangry. Lucky for us, a stopping point was planned at the Pit Stop Diner in Oceanside. We were greeted with a discounted meal and a reserved room in this unique retro-style diner covered from ceiling to floor and wall to wall with fun car-themed memorabilia.
Those participants who still had a little bit of gas and energy left followed the final clue to the beautiful Oceanside Pier. Just across the street, we found the Top Gun House to sample some delicious, sweet High-pies dusted in powdered sugar. Yum! To wrap up the day of adventure, participants made their way along The Strand Road, a one-way single lane beachfront road. All in all it was the perfect way to enjoy a gorgeous, sunny day in San Diego. If you missed this adventure, be sure to check our chapter website for many more fun upcoming events. You won’t want to miss any of them!