Welcome Back Meet & Greet
/by Catalina Uhler
Forty-three members and guests gathered in-person to kick off the new year for our San Diego Chapter of the BMW CCA. New and long-time members were warmly greeted by our new chapter president, Matt Gage. We then got the chance to learn just a little more about each other by participating in a human bingo game led by myself, Director of Social Events. Bingo squares included personal and car-related facts like, “Lived outside of the US,” “Been a member for less than 1 year,” “Took European delivery of their car,” “Taught someone to drive a manual,” “Has a BMW CCA grille badge on their car,” “Attended more than one Oktoberfest,” “Has driven their own car on a race track,” and many more. Small prizes were awarded to Michele Moore for getting the first line bingo and Tom Fota for completing the most squares.
While guests enjoyed a delicious dinner from Leucadia Pizzeria UTC/La Jolla, our new chapter Board members introduced themselves. Those present shared a little about their history in the chapter and their goals for this year. Our chapter goals included continuing to organize and put on our favorite events such as our Driving tours, Performance Center, High Performance Driving School, and Cars and Coffee events. New goals included expanding our Bimmers by the Bay event in July and rebooting our Autocross program at a new venue in Chula Vista starting on February 19.
Please remember it takes many volunteer hours to put on all our amazing chapter events. If there is a a particular event you would like to see added to our calendar or if you would like to get on our volunteer list to help at one of our many events, contact us at info@sdbmwcca.com.